Re-Elect Belinda Munson for Muncie City Clerk

I am running again for the City Clerk of Muncie. Many of you know me; but for those of you that don’t, let me tell you a little about myself.

I was born in Illinois but have lived in Indiana since I was an infant. I was raised in a rural setting and moved to Muncie to attend Ball State University. I married Andy Munson, owner of J.R. Munson Company (Munson Motors), and made Muncie my full-time home. Our family has a long history in the community. I want to see Muncie flourish. Like many of you, I am raising my child here and have a business here.

I was a Licensed Social Worker in the State of Indiana and received my Bachelors of Arts degree in Social Work here at Ball State University. I have a Master’s Degree in Executive Development for Public Service. I am versatile in my abilities and highly organized in the work environment. My Master’s Degree provided me with the skills to work outside of the healthcare industry and to serve on several local boards. I have also volunteered for various not-for-profit organizations – including, of course, our own Psi Iota Xi Alpha Chapter!

My work background is in healthcare but I put my career on hold to raise my daughter and support my husband in the family business. Since returning to the work force, I have switched my career focus from healthcare, to office management, and now to property management. I have strengths in organization and management. These skills have made my transition from health care fairly effortless.

What I need is your support: most importantly, I need your VOTE. If you don’t live within city limits and cannot vote for me, you can ask your friends to do so. You can also support me by donating to my campaign, no matter where you live. Or if you would like to get to know me better, please feel free to reach out.

Donate & Support

If you would like to donate to the Munson for Muncie campaign, please the button to the right and select Belinda Munson from the candidate drop down list.